Chief Minister Prof. Dr. Manik Saha commended the dedicated efforts of BJP Karyakartas in ensuring victory for the party in the upcoming by-elections. The by-elections for the Dhanpur and Boxanagar Assembly Constituencies are scheduled for September 5.
In his unwavering pursuit of victory, the Chief Minister has garnered substantial support from the public. Today, Dr. Saha convened an organizational meeting at the Boxanagar election office, bringing together Shakti Kendra in-charges and other party members to deliberate on various election-related matters.
He expressed his confidence in the hard work put forth by the Bharatiya Janata Party Karyakartas in the Boxanagar assembly constituency, all in pursuit of securing victory for the party's candidate, Shri Tafajjal Hossain.
Dr. Saha further commented on the evolving perception of the BJP among the people, attributing this shift to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tireless dedication to serving every section of society. He emphasized that the Prime Minister has worked without bias towards any religion or caste, striving to benefit all. As a result, the party's Karyakartas and leaders have successfully conveyed this message to the public, generating a positive atmosphere.
The Chief Minister's words reflect his appreciation for the hard work of BJP members and his commitment to securing a win in the upcoming by-elections.
Drugs worth Rs 9 crore seized in Assam, two peddlers from Manipur arrested
The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police on Tuesday seized over 1.128 kg of heroin worth Rs nine crore and arrested two drug peddlers from Manipur, officials said.