A shocking incident unfolded in Tulasikhar Block ICDS Project, as the Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) Dinesh Debbarma was brutally attacked in his office on Wednesday afternoon. The perpetrators behind the assault were alleged supporters of the Tipra Motha party, numbering around eight to ten individuals. During the office hours, they launched the attack, leaving the officer injured and the entire region in fear.
The incident marks the second attack on a government officer in the Khowai subdivision, raising serious concerns about the safety and security of administrative officials. Notably, a few months ago, an agriculture supervisor was also attacked in front of his rented house, but even then, no arrests were made, creating an atmosphere of impunity for such criminal acts.
In response to the attack, the CDPO filed a written complaint with the Champahaur police station, providing the names of some of the attackers. Despite the official complaint, the lack of any arrests has sparked fear and apprehension among government workers in the region. This failure to take swift action has drawn significant criticism towards the police administration, as citizens question their ability to address and curb such anti-social elements that seem to be gaining influence over administrative activities in the area.
The escalating situation has raised serious concerns among officers working in various government offices in Khowai, as the ongoing attacks on government workers remain unresolved and justice appears elusive. The need for concrete measures to ensure the safety of government officials and maintain law and order has become apparent, demanding urgent attention from the concerned authorities.
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SC issues notice on Congress plea challenging amendments to Conduct of Election Rules
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Drugs worth Rs 9 crore seized in Assam, two peddlers from Manipur arrested
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