Tamil Nadu police on Saturday booked the Editor of the popular Hindi newspaper, 'Dainik Bhaskar' and Tanveer Ahmad - the owner of 'Tanveer Post' - for spreading false news that Hindi-speaking migrant workers were attacked in Tamil Nadu.
In a statement on Saturday, the Tamil Nadu police headquarters said that the Tirupur North police station booked the Editor of Dainik Bhaskar under IPC Sections, 153A and 505.
According to the statement, the Editor of the newspaper will have to explain as to where they got the news from and whether they verified it. Police said that bigger newspapers should behave in a more responsible manner.
The Tiruppur police also booked one Tanveer Ahmad of Tanveer Post under various sections for spreading false news.
In a related development, the Thoothukudi police booked the spokesman of the Uttar Pradesh BJP, Prasanth Umrao under six sections of IPC for spreading rumours. Police sources in Tamil Nadu told IANS that the BJP leader was absconding.
It may be noted that Umrao had in a tweet the other day said that 12 migrant Hindi-speaking people were locked in a room and they died in Tamil Nadu. A senior officer told IANS that the Police verified this and was found to be totally false and a case has been registered against him.
The Tamil Nadu DGP, C. Sylendrababu had vehemently denied such incidents of hate-mongering against migrant workers of Hindi-speaking states working in Tamil Nadu.
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