In a chilling incident at Hazari Bari area of Kalyanpur Haludiya ADC Village, a housewife named Jessmi Debbarma met a tragic end as an assailant took her life and buried her in the ground. The Teliamura sub-divisional police officer, along with a dedicated team, swiftly responded to the scene, recovered the victim's body, and sent it to the morgue for a thorough post-mortem examination.
The disturbing revelation unfolded after Jessmi Debbarma's missing diary was reported at Kalyanpur police station on Tuesday night around nine o'clock. Subsequent to an intensive investigation, law enforcement discovered the lifeless body of the housewife concealed in a forest, buried underground. Preliminary findings indicate that she was murdered with a sharp weapon, evident from visible bleeding around her nose and the back of her head.
The police have launched an extensive search for the prime suspect, identified as Jessmi Debbarma’s husband, Mintu Debbarma. The deceased's body has been transported to Kalyanpur Hospital for a detailed post-mortem examination to determine the cause and circumstances surrounding this tragic demise.
Amidst the community, speculation is rife regarding the motive behind this heinous act. Reports allude to an ongoing family dispute between the husband and wife in recent days, with some locals suggesting that Mintu Debbarma’s alleged illicit relationship might have played a role in this grim incident.
Officially categorizing the case as an unusual death, the police have initiated a comprehensive investigation to unravel the truth behind this harrowing episode.
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Crucial winter session of Tripura Assembly to begin from tomorrow
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