Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan on Sunday began his 11-day ‘Praschit Deeksha’ (penance) at a temple in Guntur district for alleged adulteration of animal fat in Tirupati laddu.
Pawan Kalyan began the ‘Deeksha’ at the Sri Dasavatara Venkateswara Swamy temple in Nambur, Guntur district after performing puja and rituals conducted by the priests.
The actor-politician said after the Deeksha, he would seek the blessings of Lord Sri Venkateswara Swamy in Tirumala to pray to God to give him the strength to cleanse the sins committed by past rulers.
The Deputy Chief Minister said he was personally pained over the use of ghee adulterated with fish oil and animal for Laddu Prasdam and hence he decided to undertake the ‘Praschit Deekhsha’.
In a statement before launching the ‘Deeksha’, the Jana Sena leader stated that the sacred Tirumala Laddu Prasadam, revered by millions, had been defiled due to the depraved actions of the previous ruler. “It has been tainted with annual fat, a grievous sin that only those with wicked minds could commit. The failure to detect this sin earlier is a stain on the Hindu race,” he said in a statement.
“When I learned that Laddu Prasadam contained animal remains, my mind was deeply disturbed. I am filled with guilt. As someone who has always fought for the welfare of the people, it pains me that such a grave blunder did not come to my attention sooner. Every believer of Sanatana Dharma must atone for this terrible injustice done to Lord Balaji, the God of Kali Yuga. As part of this, I have decided to undertake Deeksha for penance,” he said.
The Deputy Chief Minister also stated that only those without faith in God or fear of sin could commit such an atrocious crime. “My sorrow is further deepened by the fact that even the board members and employees of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam failed to uncover this grave sin. Even those who were aware were unable to speak out, likely out of fear of the demonic rulers of that time,” he said.
“The behaviour of the past rulers, who desecrated the sanctity and religious practices of Tirumala, which is revered as Vaikuntha Dhamam, has deeply hurt the sentiments of every follower of Hindu Dharma. The use of ghee-containing animal remains in the preparation of Laddu Prasadam has caused immense pain. Now the time has come to take firm steps to restore Dharma,” Pawan Kalyan added.
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