Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday met a delegation of BJP MPs from the SC and ST communities, and reiterated the government's resolve for the welfare of the communities.
The delegation reportedly submitted a memorandum concerning the Supreme Court's recent observation on the "creamy layer" for SCs and STs.
"Met a delegation of SC/ST MPs today. Reiterated our commitment and resolve for the welfare and empowerment of the SC/ST communities," Prime Minister Modi posted on X after the meeting.
Notably, the Supreme Court on August 1 suggested the application of the "creamy layer" principle to the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) for availing benefits of affirmative action.
A 7-judge Constitution Bench was dealing with the question of whether a sub-classification amongst reserved category groups for giving more beneficial treatment would be permissible under the Constitution.
In a 6:1 decision, the majority overturned its 2004 judgement, which had ruled against giving preferential treatment to certain sub-castes within scheduled castes (SCs).
Drugs worth Rs 9 crore seized in Assam, two peddlers from Manipur arrested
The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police on Tuesday seized over 1.128 kg of heroin worth Rs nine crore and arrested two drug peddlers from Manipur, officials said.