In an incident on Monday, the Government Railway Police apprehended six individuals of Rohingya nationality at Dharmanagar Railway Station, located in the North district of Tripura.
According to police sources, these Rohingya nationals were in transit from Dharmanagar to Delhi. A spokesperson from the Government Railway Police stated, "We have taken into custody six Rohingya individuals, comprising one male and five females. Their apprehension occurred due to suspicious movements noticed at Dharmanagar Railway Station. Upon interrogation, they disclosed their Rohingya identity and acknowledged their intention to travel from Agartala Railway Station, through Dharmanagar, en route to Delhi."
The official from the Government Railway Police, who preferred not to be named, further detailed that during questioning, the detainees confessed to being Rohingya nationals originally from Myanmar. However, they were unable to provide any valid forms of legal identification. The individuals were identified as Jamal Hossain (age 36), Binija Begum (age 18), Rash Meena (age 18), Azmida Begum (age 19), Ajmira Bibi (age 18), and Rehana Akter (age 18).
"It has been established that all of them have traveled from Bangladesh and are on their way to Delhi in search of employment. A comprehensive investigation is currently in progress," the spokesperson added.
Drugs worth Rs 9 crore seized in Assam, two peddlers from Manipur arrested
The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police on Tuesday seized over 1.128 kg of heroin worth Rs nine crore and arrested two drug peddlers from Manipur, officials said.