The state government has embarked on a strategic endeavor to establish an independent Circle Office for the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) within the state. This decision was emphasized during a significant meeting held at the Secretariat, chaired by Tripura's Tourism Minister, Sushanta Chowdhury in conjunction with key officials from the Archaeological Survey of India.
Recognizing the substantial potential for economic enrichment through the growth of the tourism sector, Minister Sushanta Chowdhury emphasized the government's commitment to both infrastructural enhancements at tourist centers across the state and the provision of enhanced services to visitors. "The state holds immense potential to bolster its economy by nurturing the tourism industry. To harness this potential, we are according special significance to the development of tourism hubs and the comprehensive facilitation of tourists," remarked the Minister.
Highlighting the consistent rise in the influx of local and foreign tourists at various tourist destinations within the state, Minister Chowdhury urged the officials from the Archaeological Survey of India to adopt a heightened sense of responsibility in catering to the needs of visiting tourists.
Tapan Kumar Das, Director of the Tourism Department, shared insights during the meeting about elaborate plans aimed at enhancing the aesthetic appeal of state tourism hubs. He enumerated several historically significant sites currently under the care of the Archaeological Survey of India in Aizwal, including Uankoti, Gunavati Temple, Fourteenth Deity Temple, Shyamsundar Ashramtila, Bhubaneswari Temple, Thakurani Tilla, and an ancient Buddhist Stupa.
Asserting the Department of Tourism's proactive measures, the official highlighted the imminent establishment of separate Circle Offices for the Archaeological Survey of India across the state.
A pivotal facet of the meeting revolved around the proposal to initiate a cafeteria at Unakoti, situated in the Unakoti district of Tripura. Minister Chowdhury encouraged officials to take the lead in implementing this endeavor. Additionally, discussions encompassed the Swadesh Darshan project, further underscoring the commitment to fostering tourism and cultural exploration in the region.
Drugs worth Rs 9 crore seized in Assam, two peddlers from Manipur arrested
The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police on Tuesday seized over 1.128 kg of heroin worth Rs nine crore and arrested two drug peddlers from Manipur, officials said.