The state is gearing up for the third National Lok Adalat of the year, scheduled to be held on September 9, 2023. This significant event will see Lok Adalats convening across the state, even on public holidays, with the exception of the Tripura High Court. A total of 71 benches will be in operation, aiming to expedite the resolution of a staggering 15,271 cases.
Among the cases set to be addressed, approximately 7,467 pertain to pre-litigation disputes, while 6,846 cases involve the repayment of bank loans. Additionally, 621 cases related to disputes over unpaid bills from telecom corporations will be addressed. Moreover, an estimated 7,804 pending court cases will also be taken up for settlement during this event.
The spectrum of cases to be tackled is diverse, encompassing Motor Accident Compensation Cases, Consumer Court Cases, Arbitrable Criminal Disputes (including MV Act Cases, TP Act Cases, TG Act Cases, Excise Cases, etc.), Matrimonial Dispute Cases, Check Bounce (NI Act) Cases, other civil cases, and employment cases.
Highlighting the importance of this event, a bench will be set up in the Tripura High Court, addressing around 65 cases. The Agartala court premises will accommodate a maximum of 16 benches, with advance notices already issued to both parties involved. To further assist citizens, a help desk will be available within the court premises, staffed by paralegal volunteers.
Tripura State Legal Service Authority Member Secretary, Sabyasachi Dutta Purakayastha, emphasized the opportunity for citizens to quickly resolve their cases without incurring legal expenses. The National Lok Adalat serves as a crucial platform to facilitate the expeditious resolution of disputes, fostering justice and efficiency in the legal system.
Drugs worth Rs 9 crore seized in Assam, two peddlers from Manipur arrested
The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police on Tuesday seized over 1.128 kg of heroin worth Rs nine crore and arrested two drug peddlers from Manipur, officials said.