At a time when the ruling BJP and the opposition CPI-M party is leaving no stone unturned to sweep the bye-elections, scheduled to be held on September in Boxanagar and Dhanpur assembly constituency, the main opposition party TIPRA Motha on Friday refused to contest the election and asked the voters to vote as per the choice in both the constituencies.
“The upcoming bye-election is not that important for us than that of achieving Greater Tipraland,” said leader of opposition Animesh Debbarma on Friday.
Addressing a press conference here at Agartala Press Club on Friday, Debbarma said, “We have left our voters to vote as per the choice in the bye-election. Moreover, contesting this election as a united front is not possible from our end because the CPI-M had nominated their candidates unilaterally without any consultation to the Motha and Congress party.”
He said, “The distance between the BJP and the TIPRA Motha remains the same as the former had failed to meet the demand of the Motha.”
In context of the Motha’s demand for ‘Greater Tipraland’, Debbarma said, “We shall not compromise with our demand and we are ready to intensify our movement for Greater Tipraland if our demand is not met.”
Drugs worth Rs 9 crore seized in Assam, two peddlers from Manipur arrested
The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police on Tuesday seized over 1.128 kg of heroin worth Rs nine crore and arrested two drug peddlers from Manipur, officials said.