Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha on Monday inaugurated state-level Teaching Learning Materials (TLM) exhibition here at Agartala Rabindra Bhaban and said that the government is working with multiple plans to ensure quality education to the students of the state. He said that the Tripura Government had sanctioned Rs. 50 Crore in the budget of the present year under the PM SHRI scheme.
“Under the PM SHRI scheme, the government took a plan to establish model schools in every block of the state and 400 government schools will be modernized under PM SHRI and Vidyajyoti schemes,” he said.
The Chief Minister underlined the ‘Nipun Tripura’ and said that the Tripura government moving in line with the Centre has taken an initiative to enable all children to know the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) by the end of Grade 3. He said that the teachers are the driving force behind the success of this Nipun Tripura Mission.
Dr. Saha visited the exhibition stalls of TLM products of the eight districts of the state presented by the teachers and appreciated the TLM materials developed by the teachers. The Bhavan’s Tripura Vidya Mandir was selected among the top 5 Best Models of exhibition in terms of Numeracy under the Nipun Tripura Mission, while the Shishu Bihar Higher Secondary School was selected among the top 5 best models of exhibition in terms of literacy.
Drugs worth Rs 9 crore seized in Assam, two peddlers from Manipur arrested
The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police on Tuesday seized over 1.128 kg of heroin worth Rs nine crore and arrested two drug peddlers from Manipur, officials said.