Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha on Tuesday paid a floral tribute to the portrait of Indian Philosopher Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan to mark the Teachers’ Day celebration here at Agartala Rabindra Bhavan and said that teachers can play a crucial role towards imparting quality education to the students.
“Government is putting utmost effort in establishing proper education infrastructure across the state. Rs. 2000 crore will be spent in the next five years for the development of educational infrastructure in Tripura,” Dr. Saha said.
The Chief Minister urged the teachers to give importance to the traditional teaching including the subjects related to modern education in the teaching of the school.
He said, “With the sincere efforts of the Prime Minister, the new National Education Policy has been launched in the country after nearly 34 years to bring the education system in line with reality. This education policy is also being implemented in the state.”
“Initiatives will be taken to establish one model school in each block under the PM SHRI scheme for the development education sector of the state. 400 government schools will be modernized under PM SHRI and Vidyajyoti schemes,” he added.
Drugs worth Rs 9 crore seized in Assam, two peddlers from Manipur arrested
The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police on Tuesday seized over 1.128 kg of heroin worth Rs nine crore and arrested two drug peddlers from Manipur, officials said.