A day after meeting Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha, Tipra Motha Party's (TMP) supremo Pradyot Bikram Manikya Deb Barman before leaving for Delhi on Thursday threatened to launch a massive agitation to protest the “deprivation of the tribals” and negligence to the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC).
TMP, the state’s main tribal political outfit, after capturing the politically significant TTAADC in April 2021, has been demanding elevation of the areas of the autonomous body by granting a ‘Greater Tipraland State’ or a separate state status under Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution.
Deb Barman late on Wednesday night held a meeting with the Chief Minister before meeting Chief Secretary J.K. Sinha on Thursday.
“I have discussed with both the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary about the adequate funding to the TTAADC. The autonomous body is not getting its due funds from the state government,” the TMP chief said.
Deb Barman, a former royal scion, said that his party will hold a massive rally on October 14 at the TTAADC headquarters at Khumulwng to protest the deprivation of the autonomous body and in support of the 'Greater Tipraland State' demand.
He expressed concerns about a fund shortage of the TTAADC, and accused the BJP-led state government of failing to allocate due funds for the development of the tribal areas.
Regarding Congress leader Sudip Roy Barman's recent appeal to Deb Barman to return to the grand old party and take leadership in the state, the TMP chief said that his current focus is on providing constitutional solutions to the issues concerning the tribal population.
Deb Barman, who’s father and mother were Congress MPs from Tripura, was also the Tripura state Congress President before quitting the party over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act issue in 2019.
Deb Barman’s mother Maharani Bibhu Kumari Devi was also a minister in the Congress led government (1988-1993) in Tripura.
The TMP on September 30 had observed a 12-hour shutdown in the areas under the TTAADC, which has a jurisdiction on over two-third of Tripura's 10,491 sq km area and is home to over 12,16,000 people, of which around 84 per cent are tribals.
Highlighting the 'Greater Tipraland State' demand, the TMP secured 13 seats in the 60-member state Assembly, and became the second single-largest party in the Assembly polls held in February to get the main opposition party status.
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