Former Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma today said that the country has already decided that in the upcoming Lok Sabha election BJP’s victory under the leadership of PM Modi is just a matter of time. Dev Varma, while spearheading a significant joining program in the Charilam Assembly Constituency, asserted on Tuesday that 308 voters from 73 families had shifted their allegiance to the BJP, departing from the CPIM and Congress.
Addressing the crowd, Varma commented on the confusion that tends to arise among the people as elections approach. He questioned the claims of the CPIM and Congress, stating, "They claimed to have already formed the government, but where are they now?" He highlighted the decline of CPIM from 16 to 10 seats and Congress winning 3 seats in the previous elections. Varma expressed confidence in the BJP forming the government, emphasizing the party's focus on people and genuine development.
He stated, "Our party avoids engaging in futile discussions that create confusion. We understand how to work for the people. Voting for Congress and CPIM means wasting your vote."
Dev Varma also raised questions about the whereabouts of the Congress candidate in Charilam, who received approximately 9600 votes but seemed to have disappeared after the election. "Where is he now? These 9600 people trusted him. Where is the MLA? Despite being elected by the people, he is nowhere to be found," Varma pointed out.
Jishnu, highlighting the conditions of Charilam before 2018, mentioned the lack of streets and lights. However, he emphasized the development in the assembly under the BJP's leadership.
Jishnu stated, "In the BJP, we don't consider religion or caste; we work for everyone. We have Hindu, Muslim, Christian, and Buddhist MLAs too." He expressed confidence in the BJP forming the government again in the upcoming Lok Sabha under the leadership of PM Modi.
Jishnu added, "Our primary goal is to present two lotuses to PM Modi as a gesture of our gratitude for the many things we have received from him. This is our responsibility."
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