List Of Tenders
Sl No Uploading Date Tender Title Closing Date Department Download
2231 19-Apr-2018 Tender for Construction of RCC bridge over local Cherra on the road from Chittamara to Joyharipara at Ch.0.475 km, sanctioned for implementation under NABARD (RIDF-XXI). 10-May-2018 Belonia Division, PWD(R&B), Belonia, South Tripura
2232 19-Apr-2018 Various Tenders Forms (DNIT's) of Mtc. of different roads under Sabroom Division PWD (R&B) Sabroom, South Tripura. 7-May-2018 Sabroom Division PWD (R&B) Sabroom, South Tripura
2233 18-Apr-2018 Various Tenders Forms (DNIT's) from the office of Executive engineer, NH Division, PWD (NH), Agartala, West Tripura. 7-May-2018 NH Division, PWD (NH), Agartala, West Tripura
2234 17-Apr-2018 Tender for Construction of Ware House for EVMS and VVPATS, Udaipur Gomati District during the year 2017-18 / SH: Building portion including guard room. 8-May-2018 Udaipur Division, PWD (R&B), Udaipur, Gomati, Tripura
2235 17-Apr-2018 CORRIGENDUM : The last date for Bidding is 08-05-2018 instead of 23-04-2018 and date of opening of Bid extended up to 10-05-2018 instead of 25-04-2018 for the work Construction of Steel Bridge (Length=100.00 m) over river Gomati at Mailak from Amarpur-Mai 8-May-2018 Amarpur Division, PWD(R&B), Amarpur , Gomati, Tripura
2236 14-Apr-2018 Tender for Construction of RCC Bridge over river Manu on the road from Bankul Budhamandir to Hazarai Para, sanctioned for implementation under NABARD (RIDF-XX), Job No. TP/COM/19/2014-15” (2nd Call). 15-May-2018 Sabroom Division PWD (R&B) Sabroom, South Tripura
2237 14-Apr-2018 Tenders for Procurement of UPVC Pipes of different diameter & Pressure for WR Schemes for West, Khowai & Sepahijala District/ Gomati, and South District/ North, Unokoti & Dhalai in Tripura during the year 2017- 2018. 10-May-2018 Resource Division, Panchamukh, Agartala, Tripura (W)
2238 14-Apr-2018 Tenders for Flood damaged repair (FDR) / Mtc. of various roads under the jurisdiction of Teliamura/Mungiakami /Kalyanpur PWD Sub-Division No.I during the year 2018-19. 7-May-2018 Teliamura Division, PWD(R&B), Teliamura, Khowai
2239 14-Apr-2018 Tender for Construction of 2 (Two) Nos. Dormitory Building along with Maintenance of the existing type – III Quarters 2 Nos, 4 (Four) units at Sabroom Sub-Divisional Hospital Complex. 5-May-2018 Sabroom Division PWD (R&B) Sabroom, South Tripura
2240 13-Apr-2018 Tenders for Construction of Cement Concrete roads under ward no. 06, ward no. 04 and ward no. 05 of Melaghar Municipal Council. 4-May-2018 Sonamura Division, PWD(R&B) Sonamura, Sepahijala, Tripura